Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Silent auction XII

Here are the latest silent auction items for the Richard III Society's Joint AGM this year: 

These two cards -- with envelopes -- and a
charming pin cushion were beautifully stitched
by Norma and will be 
auctioned separately. 

The Distant Hours (Kate Morton, paperback)

(Posting by Victoria) 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Update for January 2012

In the coming weeks, we hope to be able to announce who some of our speakers are for the 2012 AGM. We have contacted both York University and the University of Toronto and asked if they might pass along a request to both faculty and graduate student for speakers. I have also contacted some Toronto-area theatrical groups who have presented plays about Richard III asking if someone might be interested in speaking with us too. So far, we have a very promising nibble!  

We also hope to be able to announce the location of our AGM soon. I had the pleasure of going to a wonderful hotel in November and the woman I met with was very helpful. Nothing has been signed yet, but I am sure this hotel will be perfect for our event.

In addition, I am going to be meeting with Tracy, my co-event chair, for some brainstorming next month and we'll probably make great headway on our event.

On behalf of the Richard III Society of Canada, we am really looking forward seeing everyone again!
