Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Morris McGee Raffle V

The Richard III Society of Canada is donating the duplicated items from the silent auction donations to the American Society's Morris McGee Raffle:

The Trial of Richard III, based on the London Weekend Television production (Richard Drewett and Mark Redhead, paperback)
We Speak No Treason, Volumes One and Two (Rosemary Hawley Jarman, soft cover)
Richard III: England’s Black Legend (Desmond Seward, paperback)
A set of replica coins from Richard III's reign 

Good luck! 

(Posting by Victoria)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Teaching and Learning Swordplay in Late Medieval England

Illustration, ca. 1290, showing 
fencing with the arming sword 
and the buckler
(Image from Wikipedia).
We have now secured our final speaker for our Joint Conference and AGM. Ph.D. candidate Ariella Elema will present a paper on "Teaching and Learning Swordplay in Late Medieval England". This session will discuss the current state of knowledge on the subject of English swordsmanship between 1250 and 1500. 

Regretfully, Ariella didn't say anything to us about bringing any swords along as visual aids...

Ariella Elema is working on her Ph.D. at the University of Toronto

(Posting by Victoria)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Return of Hurly Burly

We are delighted to announce that early music ensemble Hurly Burly, who performed at our 2004 banquet, will be joining us again this year as our banquet entertainment. 

Hurly Burly is dedicated to researching and performing early music, most notably music from the medieval and renaissance periods. 

We hope you enjoy their music!  

(Posting by Victoria)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Morris McGee Raffle

If you would like to buy tickets for the McGee raffle, but are unable to attend the AGM in September, let us know how many tickets you want and which prize(s) you are hoping to win. 

The cost of raffle tickets will be $2 for one, $5 for three, $10 for seven. As the American and Canadian dollars are so close, please send along payment to the registration address in the currency of your choice. For Canadian payments, please send a cheque made out to the Richard III Society of Canada, which we will pass along to the Americans’ McGee Fund. For American payments, please send along a cheque made out to the Richard III Society of America. Please send along address labels with your payment for each raffle ticket. 

Please make prior arrangements with a Ricardian who is attending the AGM to save on shipping costs (and let us know). Unfortunately, sending prizes by mail is very expensive.

To find all blog posts relating to the McGee raffle prizes, click on the link at the upper right corner labelled "Morris McGee Raffle prizes"

(Posting by Victoria)