Monday, September 17, 2012

Silent Auction XIX

Two more books for the silent auction: 

The Troubadour's Song (David Boyle, hardcover) 
The White Mare (Jules Watson, softcover) 

(Posting by Victoria)

Friday, September 14, 2012


To all attendees, 

Two weeks from now, we will be gathering in Oakville for our AGM Conference. 

This is a truly exciting time to be a Ricardian!

Tracy and I have lots planned for you and we are really looking forward to seeing you at the hotel. 


P.S. Thought I would share a picture of my dining room table as it is this morning, covered in Ricardian projects. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Silent Auction XVIII

Here are two more books for the Silent Auction: 

Life in a Medieval Castle (Joseph and Frances Gies, paperback) *
The Four Nations: A History of the United Kingdom (Frank Welsh, hardcover) 

* This past weekend I saw my parents and we were discussing the upcoming AGM. My father kindly offered to donate some books. He disappeared and then reappeared with a couple of books, one being my mother's copy of Life in a Medieval Castle. My mother said she could always borrow my copy. 

(Posting by Victoria)

Monday, September 3, 2012

2012 Conference and AGM update

Lots of information to pass along…

There is still time to register for the Joint Canada-US Richard III Society Conference and AGM being held in Oakville, Ontario the weekend of September 28-30. Owing to the catering requirements however, we will not be accepting conference registrations after TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. You may scan and email your completed registration form to "tbryce [at] cogeco [dot] ca"  or fax it to 905-634-7857.

Unfortunately, the unsold rooms of our reserved block returned to inventory on August 31, but if you state you are with the Richard III Society, and ask to speak to Becky (Rebecca) Van Clieaf, the Sales and Catering Manager, you should be able to get the conference room rate of $109 Cdn. per night. You must call Becky directly at 905-829-7980.

If you are flying in to Pearson (Toronto) airport, and have not made your own arrangements to get from the airport to the hotel, please contact me immediately at "tbryce [at] cogeco [dot] ca" so we can try to accommodate you.

We are in need of willing hands for the following tasks:
  • Event photographer
  • Three session moderators to introduce and thank speakers
  • Two people to spell off the Sales Officer on the sales table
  • Two assistants to help tally up the silent auction at the end of the AGM
Please email Victoria at "vlmoorshead [at] rogers [dot] com" if you would like to volunteer for any of these tasks.

We will have 10 copies of Dr. Arlene Okerlund’s book, Elizabeth of York, available for purchase at the Conference for $40 Cdn. No doubt, Dr. Okerlund would be happy to sign a copy for you.
We shall also have a few copies of the National Portrait Gallery’s poster of Richard III for sale.  The NPG tell us they are no longer printing and selling this poster, so once they are gone, they’re gone!

We look forward to seeing you later this month!


Sunday, September 2, 2012

An AGM update in numbers

1 = The number of mystery speakers, whose identity and topic are under close wraps (all will be revealed at the AGM)

2 = The price of a Morris McGhee raffle ticket, or three for $5, or seven for $10 (you don’t have to attend the AGM for your chance to win one of the prizes)

4 = The number of plays by Shakespeare that Margaret of Anjou appears in (Shakespeare’s Richard III in Modern Theatre is the topic of one of our speakers)

5 = The number of weeks to go for the Joint AGM (it was at the time when I posted this last week to the Richard III Yahoo Group)

18 = I contacted the hotel last week and they have 18 of the 25 reserved AGM hotel rooms already booked

35 = The number of registrants so far

37 = The number of posts on the Joint Canada-US Richard III Society 2012 AGM blog (not including this one) 

37 = The age of Elizabeth of York when she died (Elizabeth of York is the topic of one of our speakers)

65 = The cost in dollars of the banquet, which will also feature mediaeval music, games, and prizes galore

91 = The length in centimetres of the average arming sword (Teaching and Learning Swordplay in Late Medieval England is the topic of one of our speakers)

144 = The number of items in our silent auction so far (get your holiday shopping done early!)

1327 = The year The Name of the Rose, our Friday night Ricardian movie, was set in

1461 = The year François Villon composed The Testament (François Villon is the topic of one of our speakers)

(Posting by Victoria)